Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jumping In

I am a 25 year-old nurse practitioner married to my college sweet-heart, Benny. I live, work, and play in Atlanta, Georgia. I love cooking, eating, crafting, reading, and learning. I feel ambivalently about running :)
I have never blogged before and the reason I am starting to blog now is because I want my sisters to start blogging so I can read what they write! One is moving to Germany for love and marriage next fall and the other to Orlando for scholarship (and also love). Right now we live 326 miles apart and that is TOO far but not nearly as far as it soon will be. They are both really creative and talented, much more so than I. I can barely use my sewing machine, I have about nine recipes up my sleeve and you really shouldn't look under our bed. Ben is a phenomenal cook and my Mom has Home-Ec skills to boot so I have a point to jump off from.
So if you're looking for some how-not-tos, self-deprecating humor, and maybe several of my nine recipes that are, actually, really good, then join me here. And, Chelsea and Carly...jump on the blogging train...soon!

1 comment:

  1. So fun~ can't wait to hear all your stories! You beat me to it Carissa.
